The Flow Lab Colab or just "colab" for short, is a novel concept for accelerating human evolution through curiosity, creativity, and community.

We are a citizen-science based laboratory and a playground for experimenting with methods of expanding human consciousness and playing with practices that prime people for flow.

We are a growing community of professional artists, musicians, athletes, coaches, entrepreneurs, scientists, shamans, holistic healers, wellness providers, therapists, and flow fanatics that are
co-creating a culture of collaboration, exploration, and innovation.

The first Flow Lab began in 2020 as part of a unique experiment in the art and science of self-actualization.

The original experiment was designed to find the most fun and playful practices for developing mastery over every aspect of the "self" in order to fulfill ones highest potential.

It didn't take long for a small group of curious creatives to come together and design
a safe space for open experimentation.

The goal was to merge science and spirituality by melding modern and mystical methodologies together in order to find a formula for upgrading human consciousness.

Because we believe FLOW and PLAY are the most intrinsically motivating experiences,
we imagined the perfect experiential learning environment as both
a laboratory and a playground all in one.

This idea evolved quickly and soon became known as The Flow Lab.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

Albert Einstein

We strongly agree with Einstein and recognize that the greatest threat to our planet and species is our outdated "operating system."

With ever increasing numbers of people struggling with mental and physical disorders, it is no secret that our consumer culture, based on "winners and losers", is no longer serving us. Our current state of collective consciousness is desperately in need of a radical reboot.

If we wish to stick around as a species, then we must learn to play the "infinite game" in which there are no winners and losers. We simply play to keep the game going.

By taking this concept to heart, we can create a new culture centered around cooperation rather than competition. Only through collaboration, exploration, and innovation, can we keep the game going.