The Experiment

This digital game consists of our favorite tools, techniques, and technologies for training vagal nerve tone (HRV) and priming/unwinding your nervous system in order to harness flow. Let the cards spin and take a screenshot when you feel called. Play one card at a time or stack two or three together to experiment with how you feel.

Let the cards spin and hit pause or take a screenshot when you feel called.

1 - Grounding
Go outside and walk barefoot on the ground also called earthing; OR experience nature bathing by taking a phone free walk in nature

2 - Hemi-Sync
Listen to binural beats to sync your brain hemispheres. You can also experiment with alternate shoulder tapping or try drawing using both hands simultaneously.

3- Wim Hof Breathing
This type of breath work involves 30-40 deep breaths, followed by a breath hold. For full guided instructions, visit Wim Hof's website or follow his YouTube video.

4 - Dance
Our brains love beat - put on your favorite song and surrender to the music. Close your eyes and move your body freely. Check out our dance playlist from our last Colab for inspiration.

5 - 432 Hz
Listening to music at 432 Hz frequency can lower blood pressure and heart rate. Play this 432Hz track on YouTube and relax to the music for 3-5 minutes. Notice the change in your body.

6 - Gratitude

Write down or tell someone 3 things you are grateful for. Writing helps impress an elevated emotion of gratitude upon the subconscious mind.

7 - Hydrate
Drink 6-8oz of water. Being well-hydrated improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood.

8 - The Wonder Game
Close your eyes and begin to observe your thoughts: "I wonder what my next thought is going to be?" See how long you can go between thoughts.

9 - 4:6 Breathing
Breathe in for a count of 4; breathe out for a count of 6; repeat until you feel calm. Can be practiced daily, also see Resonance Frequency Breathing.

10 - Take a Shower

The godfather of flow, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi explained that the time in which we allow our own subconscious to run freely is known as ‘incubation’. This occurs when we’re placed in an environment that promotes deep thought and relaxation, such as the shower.

11 - Humming

Take a big breath in and hum it out 6x. You can also put on your favorite song and hum along! Humming stimulates the vagus nerve.

12 - 22: Support us on Patreon to become a collaborator and access the rest of the deck as we create it!

Play one card
or stack two or three together to experiment
with how you feel.

listen to our podcast

This episode walks through three of the exercises above as we run a live experiment with the game.


We are continuing to build our game + online community.
We would love to hear your favorite tools and techniques for priming + unwinding as we create ways to further connect our community of flow fanatics.